Thursday, October 28, 2010

11 th Juice Feasting Day....

Same Am Another day! Start off with warm lemon water with 2 MSM capsules.After my first green juice I take all these vitamins.....Vitamin A,B-12,B caplet,C,D,Kelp Capsules from Klameth Falls.Yep all those Vitamins.I feel real good every day and I notice a difference when I forget to take these vitamins.

Today I had........ 32 oz-Green juice of Kale,Romaine,1 beet with leaves,cucumber, jalapeno.....
32 oz- celery,cucumber,Swiss chard,spinach,apple,lemon ginger,
16 oz of balancing vegi broth
lots of water throughout my day!
20 oz of oranges,grapefruits,kale Yummy!!!

All is well in the juicing......I am getting a few more pimples on my face ,but my back the right half stopped aching.....
At night before my bath I dry brush.I am a night bather .I don't like showers,and never have.I did an enema today in my am time.......Its cooler here so tea, jalapeno,garlic and ginger is used more often.......

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