Tuesday, October 26, 2010

9th Day of Juice feasting

Lord,oh Lord.I can't believe it has been 9 days and I am so loving the feeling of making different juices. Now don't get me wrong ,once in a while I have the want of food,but I want a full cleanse,so I focus elsewhere.

Today I started with my usual warm water with 2 MSM capsules.Vitamin A,C,D,Bee Tablet,2 kelp (from Klameth Lake,Oregon )and flax oil capsules. It is a colder day here ,so it makes juicing harder to do ,but that's not a good enough excuse to not let this feast happen.

Today I had :

48 oz kale,spinach,celery,red pepper,lemon,burdock root,apple,pear and ginger
18 oz of Vita mineral,grapefruits with Vita mineral green
32 oz Swiss chard,celery,cucumber,garlic,lemon,and ginger

tons of plain spring water throughout the day
I drink warm tea and Vegi broth freshly made in my kitchen to keep the body warm .
I no longer have the slight Body odor
I no longer have white tongue (it wasn't bad)
I no longer have dry skin on my hands

I do however have inner ache in my right side in the side right back area.....Hum

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